Saturday, April 30, 2011

PhotoHunt 263: Square


The theme this week is square.
This guy lives in the Nashville Zoo w/ his mate & child.
I see squares on him!!! :) SO, some aren't perfect but...

Themes are on the sidebar thru June. I will add more...

Facebook PhotoHunt Fan Page.


ian said...

he's perfect the way he is, skewed squares and all =]

MaR said...

Imperfection is beautiful. Love those squares! Happy weekend


Photo Stories said...

I see squares on him too.

A Lego house has squares too. Have a great weekend!

Julie said...

Squares seen on a water taxi ride. Happy weekend!

Alice Audrey said...

I had a hard time with it this week, but I got one done.

Anonymous said...

Oh yes. Giraffe Squares. Very nice :)

my square is a scary square and it is here.

Four-eyed-missy said...

I love looking at giraffes, but somehow I overlook their marbled squares.

Inside Cambodia

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

And no two alike!

Mine, on the other hand is a repeat, of sorts. An update on one I posted a short time ago.

Sparkle said...

My square is a little round around the edges too:

Anonymous said...

I love giraffes! Nice photo.

Sreisaat said...

Mine is a hand-made square :)

Sreisaaat Adventures

YTSL said...

Squares are so hard to find in nature! So I went for human made options instead. :)

My take on this week's theme is here:-

Eds said...

I love how he was captured. It is such a classic sight. :)

Mine is here:

Anonymous said...

Nice giraffe.

I have a few squares too...


Colin Campbell said...

Beautiful. I agree, they do look like soft squares.

Marie said...

These animals are gorgeous. Facinating "costume" they have don´t they :-)

LifeRamblings said...

beautiful giraffe. love the squares.

magiceye said...

:) cute!

check out the crowded square of mumbai at

MsRay said...

Cute photo :))

Mine's up, too!

Birgitta - foto CHIP said...

Very nice squares :)

Jama said...

I can see some squares!

Here's my delicious squares:

Anonymous said...

I see those squares!

My post is about a different kind of square all together.

Happy huntin' y'all.

Fallakka said...

here's my entry :)

havent posted a photohunt for quite a while now.. but i guess im back :D

Carver said...

Sorry about that. I posted my square comment on the dusty one so I'll try again in the right place.

He has his own individual style, square or not.

Carver's Sight

HelpXtra said...

A clever take on the subject.

My Square is up.

Maude Lynn said...

Nobody's perfect!

The Florida Furkids said...

That's a great picture and we think he's purrfect!

Here's ours

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Lew said...

Great observation of the square spots! My squares are up.

Sue said...

I see the squares too :) Fun take on the theme!

♥♥ Willa ♥♥ said...

Yup! I saw some of his not-so-perfect-Square as well.


hapzydeco said...

An academic square.

Jerla Oh lalala said...

mine us up :) love giraffes.

stan said...

Have u seen how long their tongues are??

square deal

Marites said...

he's a beautiful squared giraffe:) have a good weekend! My PH is up too.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

squares, here it is:

Anonymous said...

Love your choice of square!

Here's Mine

peppylady (Dora) said...

It took me a while but the coffee is on.

Anonymous said...

a little late logging in here, but my square is up.

Unknown said...

Love the giraffe; too cool! Mine is here.

Ann, Chen Jie Xue 陈洁雪 said...

An artist never think of straight lines. So the giraffe is great.

Clara said...

Love the giraffe. I can see some squares, too.

Mine is here.

catsynth said...

We're participating this weekend, too - as squares abound at our home.

The imperfections do make for an interesting take on square in your photo.

Liz said...

Great shot!

Liz @ MLC

Anonymous said...

I don't have any squares but I did post photos of the Cherry Blossom Festival. I will try again next week! :) Happy Photo Hunting.

Anonymous said...

I don't have any squares but I did post photos of the Cherry Blossom Festival. I will try again next week! :) Happy Photo Hunting.

Ladynred said...

Adorable giraffe and cool square!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I love giraffes.

Judy said...

I can see lots of squares :)

daily yarns 'n more

Ingrid said...

I only started with photography when the digital cameras came out.

Shannara said...

Lovely pic... Hope mine is fit for the theme too... =)