Saturday, May 07, 2011

PhotoHunt 264: Digital


The theme this week is digital.
OK, ok, so I took a very easy way out...
Love the digital camera. I remember back when my son was born...
and wish I had a digital camera back then! Here he is, today.

Themes are on the sidebar thru June. I will add more...

Facebook PhotoHunt Fan Page.


Anonymous said...

That is a really good digital image to pass down the generations.
<a href=">My digital effort is a bit older than most</a>

Anneke (Mudhooks) said...

There are so many things I wish I had had a digital camera for, back in the day....

Mine is slightly different.

Alice Audrey said...

I did a digital camera, too.

Mine is up

Sparkle said...

Digital cameras rule! But I had another digital take altogether:

LifeRamblings said...

Digital photography has made it much easier to capture precious moments in our lives.

MaR said...

Your son is very handsome! wish I had had one too when mine was born...

Happy digital weekend!

YTSL said...

I, OTOH, went for a more challenging option! :b

jams o donnell said...

Digital cameras are s0 convenient.

Mine's up her but the subject is emphatically from the analogue age.

Happy weekend all

Birgitta - foto CHIP said...

A very nice photo of your son. I like to be able to shoot lots of photos and it doesn't ruin me :)
The one I show you however was just the one and only :)

Julie said...

My, how he's grown now! :)

Here is a photo of a dainty flower I wouldn't take a photo of if I don't have a digital camera.

Happy weekend!

Teacher Julie said...

I wish I had a digital camera too, back when the children are smaller :)

Happy weekend!

Pixie Pixels said...

A fire tree on the way to my parents' home :) They are going to be in bloom soon.

great weekend y'all!

Tummy Fillers said...

Your son has gotten taller and getting more handsome :)

Got a non-digital experience captured by a digital camera.

Maboe said...

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom says she wishes she had a digital camera years ago too.

Here's ours

Have a super weekend!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Carver said...

Great shot of your son. I can't believe how much he's grown up since I first started participating in the photohunt. Happy weekend.

Carver's Digital post

HelpXtra said...

Like most people who love photography, I was a little reticent about buying a digital camera at first, now I love my battered Samsung but need to upgrade to a Nikon.

My take on the theme is different however, but was taken on aforementioned battered Samsung.

Jama said...

Digital camera makes it easy to snap memories! Here's mine:

hapzydeco said...

Go Digital!

Sue said...

I think you made a great choice for the theme! :)

Lew said...

Great digital portrait! I added a little whimsy to my digital post.

Dianne said...

It was hard to chose just one, but this is for my mom. : )

Anonymous said...

a very nice portraiture.

i went teh same route.

Unknown said...

I chose my digital items that I just can't live without :)

Anonymous said...

I don't know how I lived without my digital camera. I certainly wouldn't have had pictures of this...


Anonymous said...

Love digital cameras!

Here's mine

catsynth said...

I can't imagine doing my photography without digital. But for the theme we decided to take it up a notch and demonstrate advanced processing that is unique to the digital domain:

And of course, we feature Luna :)

Anonymous said...

This one was harder than it sounded! Here's my attempt

Colin Campbell said...

I use my digital camera every day. So many things to observe and document.

peppylady (Dora) said...

Coffee is on.